Thursday, April 6, 2017

Annual Plant Sale

Our annual Plant Sale is coming up. It is on Sunday, May 7th. 1-3 pm at the Cranberry Curling Club. Laura, our plant sale coordinator has a message for club members:

The Plant Sale is our only fundraiser, which pays for the hall rental as well as the amazing guest speakers (where does our committee find them!). I need to encourage each of you to donate plants for the sale. If each of our 160+ members gives 2 or 3 plants we will continue as we have in the past, with a healthy financial balance.

Vegetable starts are more than welcome as well as berries. Shade plants, deer resistant, favourite perennials including lavender, peonies, bee balm, the cone flower family of echinachea and rudibeckia, bulbs such as dahlias, and other assorted shrubs are also great sellers. I am hopeful that spring is on its way and the ground is beginning to warm up. 

Please have a wander through your garden!


  1. designer water features

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    Plant Rental - Chen Wa is a hardscape landscape contractor company in Singapore that provides hardscape landscaping services, sales and plant rentals on the highest standards. We also offer floral arrangements service in Singapore.

  2. sales and plant rental

    The practice has undertaken a wide range of projects in the field of Landscape design, Landscape management/maintenance, Koi/fish Pond designs, Bio-Filtrations system, ornamental plants arrangements, sales and plant rental.

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