Sunday, November 18, 2018

Take Action Against Slugs and Snails Now.

We all have our preferred method of dealing with slugs. One way of getting a jump on next season's slug battle is to go on the offense in the Fall.

Between August and October, an individual black slug lays up to 150 eggs every one to three weeks—clutches diminishing to 20 eggs late in the season. Fall laid eggs stay dormant until Spring although a warm January day can bring them out. Eggs are laid in the soil, under debris, logs and stones.  The eggs are quite small, around 1/4 inch (6mm) in diameter. They can be round or oval shaped, transparent, golden, or white. Destroying the eggs can significantly reduce the number of slugs we have to deal with next year.

The egg hunt is much like the slug hunt. Shaded areas beneath leafy plants are a favourite location. Rake the soil. Remove all debris from the garden, if you like to leave some for friendly insects to over winter remove anything wet and keep the remainder dry. Remove mulch from around plants and rake. Wait to replace with clean mulch until temperatures drop.Turn over rocks and planks of wood. It is an inch by inch process searching as much of your growing area as you are able. Empty all your pots of soil, check the bottom and underneath the rims (where you may find overwintering slugs). Store pots off the ground.
Once the eggs are exposed they will not survive. You can leave them for birds or feed them to your chickens or, to be sure, you can crush them, they make a rather satisfying pop.


  1. Good info! Thanks so much for confirming what I thought I had found in my strawberry bed.

    1. I was thinning my strawberries and found two nests. Seems like a popular spot.


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