Saturday, March 29, 2014

10 Shrubs to provide year round interest

Who wouldn't want one or more of these beautiful shrubs in the garden. Start in December with the witch hazel through to the strawberry tree the following September.

File:Hamamelis mollis0.jpg
1. Witch Hazel-Hamamellis mollis

2. Viburnum bodnatense  Pink Dawn


4. Red Twig Dogwood-Cornus alba

5. Winter Hazel-Corylopsis sinensis

6. Exochorda "The Bride"

7. Rhododendron species

8. California lilac-Ceanothus "Victoria"

9. Hydrangea

10. Strawberry tree-Arbutus unedo

Many thanks to Michael for putting together this list and presenting it at our last meeting.

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