Saturday, April 25, 2020

Virtual Garden Tours

At this time of year we would be enjoying our club's garden visits. Some of us are working on how we can bring them to you via the blog. Until we get more organised here are some virtual garden tours from further afield.

All you need to do is left click on the titles. I recommend hitting the full screen option to get the best experience.

P.S. If you would like to send images of your garden they will be gratefully received, they do not have to be from this year.

Annapolis Royal Historic Garden, Nova Scotia

In a beautiful setting overlooking a tidal river and marsh, the Historic Gardens showcase gardening methods, designs and materials representing more than four hundred years of local history. The Rose Collection boasts hundreds of rose cultivars and thousands of fragrant and colourful blossoms.

Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden

The Garden's collection of tropical plants is international in scope. Over 2,000 species, representing more than 125 families and 750 genera, are found in this one-of-a-kind garden. In this video see local tropical plants such as orchids, heliconias, and giant bamboo

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is in Richmond on the outskirts of London. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The grounds have charming Victorian glasshouses and an Alpine rock garden, among many other features, and over 50,000 living plants

Chicago Botanic Garden

Spanning 385 acres of land, the Chicago Botanic Garden originates from the Chicago Horticultural Society that began in 1890. Since then, 17 gardens have been established and are maintained to this day, which includes the English Walled Garden and the Japanese Garden. This video tour, which took place in the summertime, showcases the seasonal blooms that visitors can expect to see.

Gardens at Waddeson Manor

Built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild between 1874 and 1885, the Waddeson Manor is a Neo-Renaissance château that has stunning landscaped grounds surrounding the estate. The video showcases manicured shrubbery and flowerbeds styled intentionally like familiar objects—such as a bird or a star—that burst with vibrant color.


  1. for us here, maybe you could just visit individual gardens and take photos and post those.

    1. We are working on it. At the calling and requesting stage. Then to organise doing it safely-possibly with the photographer alone in the garden with the owner shouting from the deck-not that mess!


When you visit let us know by leaving a comment. If you have a gmail account you can comment using the google designation in the "comment as" box. If not you will need to scroll down in the "comment as" box until you reach anonymous at the bottom. Click on it as your choice. Write your comment, add your first name or initials and hit the PUBLISH button.