Sunday, April 5, 2020

Ode to the Primrose by Diana Watson

Meandering around the garden a few days ago, cleaning up after a windy, stormy night, I kept seeing here and there
bright patches of colour scattered about the yard.

Aha, small plants with a pale green fringe. Flashes of colour, brilliant red, deep purple and dazzling yellow blossoms winked at me. 

Primroses! How could I forget a holiday on Salt Spring Island planting them at a friend's place over Christmas? The joy of seeing these wonderful little plants brighten up the whole garden. I often bring a pot or two home in the late winter, just to cheer things up, in or outside the house. They end up outside in the ground or in pots about the yard.......and keep coming back.

So I thought I'd scratch a line or two in praise of this small hardy perennial who appears early and stays late in gardens and pots on our B.C. shores.

Ode to the Primrose

Oh primrose sweet, oh primrose dear
Your colours glow in many hues.
My heart is gladdened when you appear
So praises I shall sing to you.

You are so constant little rose,
Bright colour fringed with green.
December 'til June your presence grows,
In the garden or on balcony seen.

You're not expensive at the store.
A multitude of you I'll buy,
A half a dozen and maybe more
To catch my wandering eye.

I'll do without my coffee cream,
If at my house you'll stay.
The perfect plant, or so it seems
To make my blooming day!

by Diana Watson.


  1. Diana....what can I say?! Thank you for this and the beautiful photos!

    Joyce R.

  2. Lovely... thanks Diana...a treasure as always

  3. Oh Diana! A poet as well as a gardener, what a wonderful combination!!,

  4. Wow that's so beautiful Diana! Thank you for the day brightener!


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