Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Silent Auction

At our meeting and Christmas Social in January (note change of date) there will be a Silent Auction for a greenhouse/potting table. See photos and description below.

It has a light duty aluminium frame with composite lattice top. It is 20 ½ inches wide by 7 feet long.

Delivery is included.

The proceeds of the silent auction will be going into garden club funds to help cover our expenses for speakers, rent and all the other good things required to keep our club running. 

The auction and raffles are open to members only.


  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog...

    Glad you are aware of the sad-side of a lot of candles.

    Best of luck with the Silent Auction!


    1. We are a vibrant club, 150 plus members, I'm sure the table will get snapped up.


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