Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Garden Visits for Saturday May 16th

On Saturday May 16th from 10 until noon club members are invited to visit the gardens of Wendy and Val in Wildwood. Please see the email sent on May 2nd for directions. Here's a preview of what you will find in these two lovely gardens...

Val's Garden

Val has been gardening on this two thirds of an acre for 13 years now and has a mix of fruit and nut trees, flowering shrubs, lots of perennials, berries, herbs and two veggie gardens. There is a Secret Garden, a maze of trails through the salal and a garden house.

Wendy's Garden

Fruit and flowers abound on Bill and Wendy's small farm in Wildwood. More than forty fruit and nut trees mingle with small fruit plants and perennials throughout the permaculture beds. Old-fashioned flowers and shrubs mix profusely with newer varieties, along with vegetables which provide crops and seed. Bring along your plant wish list and questions about gardening organically while raising goats, chickens, ducks, rabbits and bees. Also, Wendy has received many perennials from garden club members over the past twenty years so be prepared to be introduced to Lin's hosta, Michael's geranium, Shirley's blue Siberian iris and other plants nicknamed after gardening friends.

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