Friday, May 16, 2014


Garden Days Canada is having a contest to find the best garden street/road in Canada. We have so many beautiful streetscapes in our area wouldn't it be a shame to pass up on bragging rights? I know of many beautiful streets in Townsite, Wildwood, Cranberry and Westview. Rural roads are sometimes a little harder as the gardens aren't always out front but Southview Rd would be perfect. If you think your locale deserves a mention read on for the info. If anyone doesn't like the technical stuff just email the blog and I'll forward your information. Pictures too, please.


Do you live on Canada’s Best Garden Street? Tell us all about it . . .

In the spirit of Garden Days event, and in celebration of Canada’s National Garden Day we want to know about Canada’s ‘Best Garden Street’.

In 150 words, or less, tell us why your street/road/avenue/lane is Canada’s Best Garden Street. Tell us how gardens, private or public, contribute to the quality of life on your street and in your neighbourhood.

Contest prize: The ‘bragging rights’ of being named Canada’s 2014 ‘Best Garden Street’ and $1,000 worth of Mark’s Choice Lawn and Garden products from Home Hardware.

Deadline for entries is: midnight EST, June 9, 2014. Enter at

Canada’s Celebration of Gardens

June 13 to 15, 2014

Kicked off with National Garden Day, Garden Days is a three-day celebration that takes place over the Father’s Day weekend. The program’s objective is to draw attention to our cultural garden landscape, history and innovations and to underscore the importance of public and private gardens, the values of home gardening and the promotion of environmental stewardship. Garden Days is a joyful, country-wide celebration of the role of gardens in our communities and in our lives.

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