Saturday, May 9, 2020

What's Happening in Cindy's Garden

Did you know May 3 to 9th was International Compost Awareness Week? Cindy Addison has sent in a timely piece.
Hi Everyone,  
The photos that follow are of our  compost bins that my husband has perfected  by trial and error over the years. With the present  trio of bins we now get 3-4 bins of compost out per year if we are diligent in layering green and brown materials, watering as needed , and turning with a pitchfork. 

When one bin is full, we close the lid and move on to the next , so there is a progressive supply.
 A corrugated PVC panel flips up and down covering 2/3 of each bin and admits enough rainwater to keep it moist but not soggy . The fine mesh between bins improves aeration, and the front plywood panel is removable , sliding up for efficient removal. 

We don’t include any meat/ fish products ,(which we recycle at the drop off). We add our kitchen waste , grass , fruit  and leaves which are mulched by my lawn mower and picked up by the bag attached . When I see the first sign of bear season , I temporarily switch our kitchen waste to a plastic rolling bin inside our shed , continuing with the grass and leaves in the bins as they do not interest the bears. 

 In my next installment , I’ll include photos of my new project - a “ micro orchard”  ( including footage of my long suffering husband digging) , Cindy.


  1. Would it be asking too much for you to give the measurements of your bins? After ALL of your experimenting over the years, I would LOVE to copy it for my Hillcrest Avenue property. I thought it was GREAT. Thank you so much for sharing. I have bears also, but, I have a worm box in the basement and they love all the veggie peelings, etc.


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