Friday, June 1, 2018

Woodland Gardens

There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinationsWashington Irving

Some images from recent garden visits:

It made me realize how important it is to understand  light and shade in the garden.

Links for further reading on light and shade:

Not ready to start from scratch on a woodland garden? How about purchasing one ready made-Kitty Coleman Woodland Garden, which many of us have visited, is up for sale. Link

A reminder we have another garden visit this Monday, June 4 from 10 am to noon. Look for the garden club sign. Address was sent by email to members.

For more time in a lovely garden 


  1. I loved these woodland garden visits! Such a beautiful day for a stroll through the lovely forest trails amid the flowers.

    1. It was a lovely day, very relaxing.


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