Sunday, January 18, 2015

Signs Of Spring

Are your gardens showing any signs of Spring? Here are a few photos taken in Gwen's garden two days ago.

"HCG Jacob" Helleborus Niger. "It started blooming the beginning of December. I was able to pick flowers in the garden to grace our Christmas Dinner table", says Gwen. It is part of the Helleborus Gold Collection

Viburnum bod antennae " Pink Dawn". It starts to bloom late November and will be fragrant on a sunny winter day.

The tree is an Acer Griseum or paperbark maple. It also has a beautiful display of fall colour. Here is a close up of the bark, a good choice for Winter interest.

Your social media editors love getting photographs of your plants. Please send photos for our Signs of Spring feature to

1 comment:

  1. Hellebore niger do bloom earlier than other Hellebores, sometimes called Christmas Rose for that reason.


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