Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bokashi for Heating Compost

At the recent Homesteading Bootcamp I learned how to make my own bokashi. Bokashi is an anaerobic composting system, using fermentation, to break down meat and dairy products that would otherwise go in the garbage. Plant based composting materials can be handled this way too.

I knew a little about bokashi but my ears pricked up when Rob Hughes, our instructor, mentioned it was wonderful for heating up the regular compost pile.
This sounded a good way to keep things going during the cold, dark winter months. The other reason I had not pursued bokashi further was the cost. I thought expensive equipment was required but not so. One bottle of starter, which can be found at the Mother Nature store, and a bag of bran plus a sealable 5lb bucket are all you need.

Here is a link to a you tube video on making your own bokashi. 

I'm building up my garden beds with layers of various composting material and sprinkled several handfuls of bokashi in the centre to stimulate the breakdown. I'll report back in the Spring as to how things turned out.


  1. I'll be interested to hear your results. I build up my garden bed each year with compost layers from the previous season. Anything to accelerate the process would be great. - Margy

  2. Thanks Margy. The next garden club topic is
    The Real “Black Gold" - Growing Soil Fertility in Small Spaces. Jan 23rd 7pm


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