Wednesday, April 27, 2011

or better known as The Worm Workshop

When:        Saturday, May 14th, 2011
                  10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Where:       Compost Centre on
                  Artaban Street (off Manson Avenue)
Instructor:  Carol Engram, Master Composter

Cost:          $95.00 all materials supplied

Why:           Increased microbial activity in your soil
                   Improved water holding capability in your soil
                   Higher nutrient levels and availability of those nutrients to your plants
                   Increased decomposing of residuals
                   Increased humus levels in your soil
                   Less compaction leading to better aerated soils
                   Decrease in plant and soil susceptibility to pest and disease

For further information or to register, contact Carol Engram at 604-485-2311

Carol Engram, Master Composter
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